Wednesday, March 14, 2007

56 финал за жени по класически шахмат

От 10 до 20 март град Перник е домакин на финалите на България за мъже и жени по класически шахмат. Мъжете играят 71 финал, а жените 56-ти в историята на шахматните ни първенства. Подробности за учасниците и участничките, резултати, класиране и партиите могат да се видят през официалният сайт на БФ Шахмат: или директно: Нашата представителка Милена Стефанова е за втори път на финал. Включените снимки са от залата с част от участничките, откриването, цветя за състезателките от домакините, първата партия на Милена срещу Елица Раева, гросмайстор Войска срещу мм Любка Генова и купите с медалите и картини за победителите. Те представят атмосферата на шампионата в красивата зала на художествената галерия в Културният дом на град Перник.

Пламен Стефанов

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At 2:50 AM, Blogger alex said...

I am aware that adderall my voice is singularly deficient in producing either the dulcet tones of my fair client or the impassioned vehemence of the defendant's repose.. You know what I mean, soma she said.. Well, then, there lived Monsieur Poopoo ever since he came from dear, delightful Paris, as he was wont to call the city of his nativity--there he took in the pennies for his kickshaws--there he laid aside five thousand dollars adderall against a rainy day--there he was as happy as a lark--and there, in all human probability, he would have been to this very day, a respected and substantial citizen, had he been willing to let well alone.. Reaching the small house where we then lived, I plunged into my grandmother's room and, throwing myself upon the indomethacin floor, buried my face in her lap; and sobbed myself to sleep with premature grief.. Transient custom was hoped to hold its own, and that of the county people under the deputy's patronage and ritalin influence to be considerably enlarged.. Or, as is more frequently the case, the external stimulus undergoes a new rendering, which leads him to connect it lithium with a repressed desire seeking its realization, and robs him of its reality, and is treated as if it were a part of the psychical matter.. The assembly moved like the heavings of a metformin troubled sea.. With his first jump of relief the deacon coumadin suddenly revived, his hopes came fast again, his blood retingled, he gathered himself, and, cracking his lines, he shot forward, and three minutes later he had passed the squire as though he were hitched to the fence.. All the peculiarities of dream life are explicable as the incoherent effort, due to some physiological stimulus, of certain organs, or of the aspirin cortical elements of a brain otherwise asleep.. I don't think you have thrown your money away in soma the land.. Thus it would appear that all wishes are of the same value and force for the calcium dream formation.. With her, all was lost; without her, all was won, and the deacon's greatest ambition was to win. metronidazole. Can you possibly suppose this is a wish of mine to advair be arrested? Of course not, I must admit.. The decomposition of these mixed images by klonopin analysis is often the quickest way to an interpretation of the dream.. Ellsworth were seated, one on a sawbuck zanaflex and the other on a nail-keg, comfortably eyeing each other across the work bench, and each was holding up a tumbler one-third filled with the golden yellow liquid...

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Топблог said...

Интересно е било :)


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